Not really sure what to put here…I usually put relevant excerpts, but that got this post deleted for doing that

  • Nora
    -18 months ago

    Seeing other’s flesh as food is the problem…

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      Because humans are omnivores, “the flesh of others” is quite literally food for us. Wood, the flesh of trees, is food for fungus. Everything eats something, and you’re on one hell of a superiority binge if you think animals are any more deserving of mercy than plants. Plants can perceive (and communicate!) when they experience damage (link). What’s your floor for intelligence before being allowed to eat something?

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        It’s quite amazing that you are one of the only people in the thread to acknowledge this. We are part of nature.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            Just wanted to say that I think lab grown meat is a bit of a white elephant. Dose it scale, what are the inputs, etc…

            It might be viable, but it’s hard to believe anything about it with all the grassroots shills online. VC money is all over this. It’s just another product.

            I’m not sure that’s the solution.

      • Nora
        18 months ago

        Humans are edible, do you look at other humans and think food?

            • @[email protected]
              -18 months ago

              The joke is giving the most obvious and least relevant answer to a simple question, brainlet. Life is life, death is death. In order for something to die, it had to have been alive. Everything that has been alive has died or will die, and you accusing people like me of murder pushes them away from your cause.

              Stop being so fucking unpleasant and go watch The Good Place, it might give you a few things to think about.

                • @[email protected]
                  8 months ago

                  You jump down my ass for making a dry joke, and I’m the feisty one? I’m not “triggered”, I’m “offended by your stupidity”. You’re just as guilty as I am if you’ve ever eaten anything but rocks, and if you weren’t so fucking malnourished you’d have the capacity to understand that.

                  Now, if you were making a point about the unethical practices in large-scale farm operations, particularly in the US but also in select locations abroad, you’d have a valid point. But you’re not, you just can’t take a joke and you called me a murderer, so you don’t. I do hope that makes sense.