Recently had some people tell me that connect isn’t collapsing cross-posts so when a post is posted to multiple communities at the same time it floods the feed

The behaviour that occurs in lemmy-ui is it checks for posts with the same url in the ones its showing the user and removes any duplicates, only keeping the oldest one (and showing links to the rest in a cross-posted to section)

This helps especially in instances that recommend cross-posting since topics overlay between multiple communities

Should be relatively easy to implement since its just comparing the url values of the posts you already have

  • macOP
    8 months ago

    no, theyre still two different posts and have different post views outside of the feed. Just one is more prominently shown in the feed while the rest are just links in the cross-posted to section below the post in the feed when it detects that multiple posts have the same url. Comment threads combining would be a separate feature

    • @threelonmusketeers
      18 months ago

      So if I were to tap on the post in the feed, which post’s comment section would I see? The first post? Most recent post? The most popular post?

      • macOP
        8 months ago

        lemmy-ui does the oldest post

        but you can get to any other post instead by tapping them in the cross-posted to section

        So in this if you tap the title you go to the post on gamedev since its the oldest post. But if you tap game_design at the bottom you go to the post on game_design