I’ll give you one advice, kids. Don’t agree if someone offers you to work with odoo.
It’s a fucking pain in development.

#python @python

  • Dave SH
    38 months ago

    @xsevy @python they have so many billboards up in my city touting “software that doesn’t suck”

    Feels like a similar pitch SalesForce used to make

    • @sugar_in_your_tea
      88 months ago

      Yup, all software sucks, and if someone is trying to tell you it doesn’t, run.

      My main goal is to write useful software that sucks less than its competitors. But I’ll never try to argue that my software doesn’t suck.

    • sevyOP
      18 months ago

      @davesh @python I believe it can be a very useful tool from a corporate point of view, it has a lot of great solutions. But unfortunately as a programmer I get headaches because of it.