seriously, don’t try answering them, hate simply isn’t in my nature.

    • @[email protected]
      87 months ago

      I think you’re exactly right and I think it’s by purposeful design all that hate riling thats going on, to try to distract people so they don’t aim thier hate where you do, because if we all do that, the system changes and the small group of people holding all the money, have to give it back so the rest of us can have basic needs. I think it’s them generating the hate, so people don’t notice the entire problem is them. I could never hurt someone, really, but if I got superpowers, I’d take that trauma on, I know where I’d go first. And it would be bloody. I might even say something like your money or your life, and go all robin hood. But I don’t see superpowers really happening, for me. It’s a nice thought, being able to have our freedom and free everyone else under the purposeful oppression that is capitalism and that capitalism has to generate to survive.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      Personally I feel zero hate or anger for anyone or any group and I’m a bit concerned at the amount of hate you’re saying that society feels in general. I’m not special, so what’s the difference? What’s the catalyst?

      Trans btw

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          I think I must be older than you. Being young is tough, but hate is never healthy. Learn to address your issues and conquer your struggles with determination instead of turning your frustrations into unhealthy coping mechanisms. Life doesn’t have to suck, you know.