Hi, I have a transmasc boyfriend and am part of the LGBTQ+ alliance. However I started my first year of college and encountered uneducated men who just did not believe that trans people had their rights under attack. One of my friends even told my trans woman friend that she had more rights than him. How or what can you do to help others become educated without “debating trans existence” or starting an argument? Thank you.

  • @lacabraenlamachina
    61 year ago

    Anti-trans rhetoric drives up suicide rates in trans people. My personal moral code is incompatable with participating.

    • HasturM
      01 year ago

      Not judging your personal moral code, that’s up to you.

      From what I see here for example: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5649411/

      There’s no good data apart from: Suicide rates are higher than in general population and remain higher than general population even after surgery.