The federal government hired KPMG consultants at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars for advice on how to save money on consultants, documents show.

New spending details tabled in Parliament show the department of Natural Resources, led by minister Jonathan Wilkinson, approved $669,650 for KPMG, a global professional services company, to provide managing consulting advice.

The department said this work involved developing “recommendations that could be considered as options to ensure that Canadians’ tax dollars are being used efficiently and being invested in the priorities that matter most to them.”


  • @Kecessa
    8 months ago

    What’s frustrating is that, just like most places, they won’t listen to recommendations unless they pay for them, so you’ve got employees with experience telling them “XYZ needs improvements” and they’ll pay a consultant to ask the employees what needs improvements and the consultants then makes a report that will be shelved and never used.

    Welcome to any business ever.

    • @porkins
      8 months ago

      True. This happens a lot at my company. The consultants just ask us what we think and that becomes the report.

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        Started a new job this month and went to my first union meeting last night. A huge part of the arguing the union does with the company is trying to get equipment fixed or upgraded, but the company always puts it off and never does anything. It made me realize that employees actually care about the well being of a company way more than management does everywhere i have ever worked.

        • @porkins
          -48 months ago

          Unions can be good as long as there are ground rules to protect the interests of both the company and the employees. Unions can become just as corrupt as companies can. They are just another form of association. In the same way companies are not allowed to monopolize and collude, unions also need to be kept in check, so that they don’t destroy the capitalist system.

    • sadreality
      08 months ago

      Consults report what management wants them to.

      Also, you don’t want some peasant thinking he or she is too smart and able affect change lol