The chief justice doesn’t like his conservative Supreme Court colleagues getting called out for judicial overreach.

    01 year ago


    Elena Kagan and Stepben Breyer - jews - make up 0.2% of the US but have 22% of the Supreme Court. A 10000% over representation.

    Jackson chick - affirmative action gone wild, crazy sjw appointed by the retard in chief who cries Racism every second word. And gets butthurt when the real G who overcame adversity tells her to stop BSing

    If libs got more butthurt they’d be bleeding from both their pussy AND their butthole lmao

    • Yewb
      121 year ago

      Quit falling for identity politics its us versus the ultra rich

    • DeepFriedDresden
      81 year ago

      First of all, Jews make up 2.4% of the US. Second, Supreme Court justices are appointed, not elected. They are not meant to be representative of population demographics. That’s the entire reason they aren’t elected.

      Maybe you should retake your high school civics and US Govt classes, it’s pretty clear your susceptibility to Russian troll farms has eroded what little understanding of the way the government is meant to work and replaced it with an irrational fear of anything that doesn’t walk, talk and look like you.

    • @jscummy
      11 year ago

      Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer - jews

      Off to a strong start with a solid, convincing argument