• @[email protected]
    368 months ago

    Sadly war sucks ass.

    If it was a command post then there must be a path for Israel to attack. It’s not like Hamas gets to use “one weird trick” to exclude their command center from being a valid target.

    If Israel thought it was a military target, did every thing else right, but sucked up then it’s a sucky product of urban war.

    If Israel knew it was really only a hospital and attacked anyway — then they are morally and strategically fucked. Rightfully so. (Kinda like how other countries have also overreacted to a terrorist attack and gone after the wrong target).

    And of course the reality of all this probably doesn’t matters because a large number of people make up their mind first and from then on ignore and other intelligence even when it’s gathered.

    • PupBiru
      318 months ago

      as usual with this shit show of a conflict, it seems both sides are awful: hamas used the hospital as a command post which means israel has to be able to attack it, however attacking it with indiscriminate shelling is absolutely unacceptable

      both entities are completely unacceptable… debating which one is more so is outrageous, and if anyone “sides” with either one they’re morally corrupt, brainwashed, or too stupid to comprehend anything but binaries

          • @[email protected]
            108 months ago

            they voted for hamas…

            The fact that a lot of people ignore that the Palestinians fought a civil war precisely to not have Hamas in power and lost Gaza to a Hamas takeover after the last election (2006) tells you that the zionist propaganda engines are well oiled and working.

            • @[email protected]
              108 months ago

              Plus, that there was a protest against Hamas before the pandemic that had to be forcibly suppressed.

              • @[email protected]
                -48 months ago

                Maybe in the future, the citizenry should kill religious extremists that take over their government instead of just protest? I could think of a few places that might be warranted right now to curtail future violence. I just can’t legally give a good example right now.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          Who’s doing that? I think people universally are against baby killing, but some feel there is no other option to root out combatants using them as human shields.

          We can disagree but we aren’t being shot at or have boots on the ground.

      • @[email protected]
        78 months ago

        Using a hospital as a hostage and bombing a hospital are two acts so beyond the pale that it’s pointless to argue which is worse. Both are incredibly fucked up.

      • @Meowoem
        -18 months ago

        Are we still talking about the hospital all the video footage is from? The video footage of a hospital thats in one piece and not shelled? Are you talking about the one missile that hit a carpark and was probably a misfire from Palestine?

    • @[email protected]
      -18 months ago

      Sadly war sucks ass.

      Don’t try to justify the mass murder of innocent, injured and sick civilians, including children and infants. There’s literally nothing that excuses dropping bombs on hospitals. And schools. And trucks full of refugees. And people’s homes. And ambulances.

      It is interesting how the same US political ideology that supports this mass murder of children are, generally, also the ones who consider zygotes to be children and criminalize pregnant women for having miscarriages. But I digress.

      The point is, it’s all a bullshit power play, don’t let it distract you from your own humanity.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it.

        These days we have no excuse, either to go to war, or to allow for conditions in which acts of war would be an appropriate (if desperate) response.

        War remains a sign that irrational, irresponsible people are still allowed to take positions of power. And so long as we cannot stop that nonsense, it is an indictment of our species, that we may not be able to adequately civilize and govern ourselves with reason, rather are yet another species of ape that is going to run its course before going extinct.