I’m to the point now where my little home device has enough services and such that bookmarking them all as http://nas-address:port is annoying me. I’ve got 3 docker stacks going on (I think) and 2 networks on my Synology. What’s the best or easiest way to be able to reach them by e.g. http://pi-hole and such?

I’m running all on a Synology 920+ behind a modem/router from my ISP so everything is on subnet, and I’ve got Tailscale on it with it as an exit node if that helps.

  • Scrubbles
    48 months ago

    There’s a few options. Personally I use nginx. You can build a proxy container running nginx, then you can direct traffic to other containers.

    I do things like serviceX.my.domain and that will know to proxy traffic to serviceX. Added benefit is that now you have one ingress to your containers, you don’t need to memorize all of those ports.

    I know traefik is a thing that other people like

    If you want something real simple you could also do Heimdall, which let’s you register your systems you have running, you open Heimdall first and it’ll direct you to what you have running, but that’s essentially just fancy bookmarks

    • jrbaconcheeseOP
      28 months ago

      I looked at Heimdall and came to the same conclusion, I could just whip up a static html page of links, or make bookmarks, easier than maintaining another docker.

      • Scrubbles
        18 months ago

        Yep, tried it and yeah just a fancy page for bookmarks - although it did make a nice home/landing page for me whenever I opened a new tab.

        Nginx is your friend then, set up a good proxy and it’ll be much easier to navigate your network.