• @[email protected]
    147 months ago

    I just did a minimal amount of googling and this is absolutely not true. Micro transactions have outpaced full game sales by almost 3:1. The entire model of free to play games relies on microtransactions. The biggest games in the world right now are f2p games or paid games with f2p models. I dunno where you’re getting your info from, ancedotally, I’m sure, and maybe you just don’t play games like that… But the rest of the casual game player population absolutely does.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      They might mean that the majority of games NOT weighted by popularity don’t have microtransactions. Think about all the indie games that only get like 10,000 downloads and are just small, pleasant games. Of course, most games have microtransactions if you weight them by popularity.