First police investigation of Supernova festival also found Israeli forces responsible for some deaths.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      Omfg it’s not a dick measuring contest. You don’t need a fucking asterisk when you want to say that massacring civilians is bad

      I’m perpetually baffled by this whattaboutism. What the fuck you think anyone is going to say in response?

      Like, “oh, shit, I GUESS IT WAS OK THEN”?

      • @[email protected]
        -118 months ago

        And yet you’ve a ruler in your hand.

        No one is whatabouting, context is important and ignoring it because of inconvenience is absurd.

        Not at all, no one said that.

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            Nuanced intelligent argument… No wait.

            Seriously when people do this so they honestly think they’re dunking on someone who they can’t form an argument against?

            • @Apollo
              -48 months ago

              Cute that you think your drivel is worth the time to ‘argue’ against haha

                • @Apollo
                  -48 months ago

                  I mean everyone knows immature arguments on lemmy change the world, right?

                  • @[email protected]
                    08 months ago

                    And you think what? That absurdist bullshit is somehow doing something other then showing that you’re smug as hell? You’re not adding anything you’re just being annoying, what point is there to that.

    • @[email protected]
      128 months ago

      I have criticised Israel for many years. How they treat Palestinians is barbaric. How the west has supported them in doing this is also barbaric. But what happened on that day was the fault of Hamas, there is no excuses.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        More likely the fault of a zionist government that’s been paying the same organization for years. You can’t say the fault is solely Hamas when Israel created Hamas and let them thrive so long as they were hitting targets that were convenient to Israel.

        I do find it funny everyone who’s saying it’s terrible that hamas is killing citizens while Israel is in the West Bank right now pushing out inhabitants with extreme violence ie. Killing citizens in a country they’re occupying and destroying then economically.

        These things aren’t at all separable.

        • @[email protected]
          08 months ago

          I never once stated or inferred this was totally the fault of Hamas. Hamas are solely responsible for the events of that day where many were massacred.

          There is guilt all around over other events that has happened over the period since the Israelis were planted on the land after the war. I would argue more on the Israeli than the Palestinian side. But picking sides is not going to resolve the issues. At some point you have to bury the hatchet and move. While there are groups that deliberately want to antagonise the situation that will not happen.

          Netanyahu was under pressure to move away from his extreme right wing policies from groups in Israel. Part of the reasoning Hamas has done this is to stop that peace process gaining traction. My position is that the US should stop funding Israel while they are running an apartheid state. It is difficult to throw all the blame at Israel when you have two factions intent on the genocide of all Israelis. Until there is a change in the positions they are hanging onto, then it will not be resolved.

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            But what happened on that day was the fault of Hamas, there is no excuses.

            Factually incorrect, the police investigations into the festival deaths show that the 1400 number is both wrong because they weren’t all civilians nor were all of them killed by Hamas.

            Correct. No one is picking sides, Israel has a right to defend itself sure they don’t however have the right to kill ten times as many civilians and expell an entire populace they’ve been abusing for at least 30 years which is longer then the lifespan of most of the people being occupied. There is no burying the hatchet, it’s a holy war it stops when Israel has expelled Islam from the holy land as determined by both the talmud and bible as a prerequisite for for the end of days. It’s why majority Christian countries as well as countries that feel guilty about their treatment of Jews have been screeching about how Israel is totally justified in self defense though that clearly not what this is at this point.

            Yes and a coordinated strike utilizing intelligence that could only be gained from an Israeli just so happened to make their long time existential threat a very much real age very much present threat. It’s really really convenient, he might lose his position in the government but one of his chosen will fill the seat and the damage will be done. I guarantee Israel takes Gaza as a security measure that will lead to annexation, it was a good plan horrific but very effective.

            • @[email protected]
              -18 months ago

              No one is picking sides, Israel has a right to defend itself sure they don’t however have the right to kill ten times as many civilians and expell an entire populace they’ve been abusing for at least 30 years

              I have been very critical of Israel actions for many years. Check my history. The atrocities that Israel are responsible for are abhorrent. But two wrongs do not make a right.

              • @[email protected]
                -18 months ago

                I don’t care about what you’ve said outside of right here right now. You say it’s totally hamas’s fault, that’s just factually incorrect. You cannot judge this by limiting time scales, it all matters and it all has an effect on every other action.

                No one said two wrongs make a right, you’re just conflating things.

                • @[email protected]
                  08 months ago

                  No I said that particular event is the fault of Hamas. Please don’t misquote me to peddle a narrative.

                  • @[email protected]
                    18 months ago

                    I’m talking about this specific incident as well, it is factually not all Hamas fault. I just said this directly.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        Oh yeah, how so. Was it the history that I commented about that tipped you off somehow that I don’t know the history.