• @[email protected]OP
    -107 months ago

    Does this mean the hospital was complicit in the abduction of Israeli hostages from October 7th? If this is true, my god some people have some questions to answer.

      • @[email protected]OP
        -97 months ago

        I bel8eve the WHO runs the hospital. The WHO is part of the UN. Are we going to expect the UN to take hostages now?

        • @[email protected]
          107 months ago

          The people on the ground at the hospital did not take hostages. Hamas did, and uses the hospital as a base. No one involved in the running of the hospital gets a say in what Hamas does.

          They are both the government and murderous terrorists, so whatever they wanna do, they’re gonna do

          • @[email protected]OP
            -67 months ago

            I can imagine that some of the complicity started with benign motives. You’re an NGO wanting to do good things for the people of Gaza? You learn and obey Hamas rules. But since you don’t want to admit that you are obeying Hamas rules - you get drawn into endorsing Hamas lies. Nonetheless, by not saying anything about the hostages for a month you are complicate in their capture and your organization is as well.

            Then there are those that doubt the veracity of Israeli and US Intelligence saying that the hospital was a control point. Of course it was, and those that watched Hamas walk into the door knew it.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              If a terrorist is holding hostages near you and the terrorist says if you tell anyone about it they’ll kill you, or the hostages, then you are also being held hostage, you can just move around more than the other hostages.

              • @[email protected]OP
                -67 months ago

                Sure fear can play a role, but there was more than compliance to Hamas. They told the press, some of who knew better, that they never seen Hamas or hostages. They took an active role.

                • @[email protected]
                  27 months ago

                  Quite easy to criticize when you don’t have a gun against your own or others head. Put yourself in someone’s shoe before you criticize them.

        • BabyWah
          47 months ago

          Yes, let’s attack the ONLY humanitarian agency that tries to do some good so their shitty opinions of Israel’s behaviour towards Palestinian civilians, patients, journalists and aid workers isn’t so highlighted in the world press anymore.

          God, how stupid do you think people are?

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          You know, the other day I was in the hospital and there was a visibly pregnant woman outside who was smoking. I went up to the front desk and demanded to know why the hospital was condoning that behavior. The person at the desk reacted in complete confusion. So I continued on, asking why the multinational conglomerate that owned the hospital was requiring pregnant mothers to smoke. As I was being escorted out by security, the smoking woman was gone, but they all knew who I was talking about.

    • BabyWah
      57 months ago

      Oh shut up with your insinuations. If a guy with a gun tells you to treat someone, you do it. As if Palestinians have gotten another choice by Israeli governance. You act as if these people were free before the attacks lol. As if they were living in the land of milk and honey, as if their opinions mattered…

      • @[email protected]OP
        7 months ago

        Oh you almost got there…it is the Israelis fault that Hamas was using the hospital as cover and the doctors went along with it, right?