Heya! I’m looking to install Linux for the first time on parts from my old pc builds to use as a media centre and multiplayer gaming system in my living room. Something with as clean as possible interface with room for customization would be cool. Oh and support for my old nvidia gpu.

I’m also looking for general tips and advice for beginners if anyone has some to share.

  • Corgana
    17 months ago

    HoloISO is SteamOS for non Steam Decks. That would be great option for something that “just works” and is designed for use from the couch with a controller. I haven’t tried this but I’m sure there’s a way to install Kodi for media too.

    • @[email protected]
      167 months ago

      Don’t know why I see so many people recommending HoloISO. It hasn’t been updated in 3 months, and all they did was merge a bunch of code from Chimera.

      ChimeraOS and Bazzite are what you’re looking for.

      • Corgana
        17 months ago

        Thanks for educating me, what’s the difference between the three?

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          I don’t really know, other than the other 2 are updated on a nearly daily basis and Chimera is Arch-based (like SteamOS) with Gnome UI while Bazzite is Fedora-based.