no matter which proton version i try to run the history edition in, the best it was able to do was launch into a blackscreen and throw a cant find uplay error, protondb was no help at all, none of the tips there helped, neither changing the engine ini, nor using lutris

im trying to get it to run on endeavouros and nvidia

the only anno 1404 version i was able to run was a torrented version from a collection of history editions

any help would be appreciated

  • PhineaZ
    57 months ago

    Cool there, cowboy, this fella’s been the only one with a suggestion so far. I wouldn’t bitch around if I wanted any further help. Unfortunately I haven’t tried Anno 1404 yet so no useful advice here. Good luck to you, it’s a lovely game.

    • @MandyOP
      27 months ago

      its really weird tho how i only got one specific version to work (probably cause it removed uplay)

    • @MandyOP
      27 months ago

      yeah sorry, i was just caught after trying for a very long time, apologies if they see this