• @[email protected]
    57 months ago

    I use both Linux and MacOS. MacOS is pretty good, but it’s also very weird in the Unix world.

    • @mark3748
      127 months ago

      “Very weird to the UNIX world”??? It’s the only one that’s actually UNIX.

      The only complaints on this entire post are down to people that have no idea what they’re doing. It’s full-on Dunning-Krueger. There are plenty of training wheels, but they are trivial to disable/bypass if needed. People need to get a lot more comfortable with justifying their preferences with “I don’t like it” rather than inventing problems and proving their own ignorance.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        It’s the only one that’s actually UNIX.

        Uh, no. I mean, yes it’s actually Unix, but so is BSD. In fact, OSX is only Unix BECAUSE BSD is - Darwin is BSD derived

        • @mark3748
          17 months ago

          BSD is, FreeBSD and OpenBSD (and every other open-source descendant) are not unix-certified, so they are not. BSD was discontinued in 1995 so I assumed that was not what the meme is referencing.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        It’s weird to Linux users because all the common userspace CLI commands are from FreeBSD, not GNU. Meaning they sometimes use different flags and generally don’t support any of the GNU extensions.

        If anything, Linux is the weirdo in this comparison because MacOS and FreeBSD are virtually identical from a CLI perspective.

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      I honestly don’t see why, when I’m looking for help on some problem on a mac, I’ll happily open a Linux forum, and throw whatever commands I need into the terminal. Works like a charm every time. Just replace apt with brew or some other reasonable package manager (idk if macports or whatever is actually any decent, never tried it)

      • mac
        15 months ago

        I tried MacPorts once because I don’t like the name of Homebrew but it’s weirdly slow in comparison