First police investigation of Supernova festival also found Israeli forces responsible for some deaths.

  • NoneOfUrBusiness
    08 months ago

    Sigh it’s now clear that you’re not discussing this in good faith so I won’t engage any further. For anyone else bothering to follow the comment chain down this far, this guy is purposely misinterpreting the articles to create the slightest hint of weakness in a part of the evidence and dismiss the whole thing. Read the articles yourself and then decide if they’re “close to definitive” or not.

    • @[email protected]
      08 months ago

      Purposely calling out bias is now misinterpretation?

      Ya, you’re in the ‘alternative facts’ world where reality doesn’t matter so long as it backs your narrative.

      Find a source that’s not biased, and doesn’t reference your original biased source and I’m interested.