• @[email protected]
    38 months ago

    Now the interest rates are up again, nobody has any fucking money to buy anything.

    To be fair, this is the entire reason for raising interest rates.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      I mean, you’re not wrong.

      It’s just a bit of a kick in the bollocks when the wealth has to trickle down, but the poverty somehow has to trickle up. And neither are trickling very fast.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        No disagreement from me there. Frankly, we’re lucky it wasn’t bad enough to kick off a real depression. A worldwide depression right now would be a very, very different place. Idk how we’d begin to climb out without war, and wouldn’t ya know it there’s a few good global Cassus Belli floating around.

        It’s ugly though, for sure. Inshallah, the worst bits are over and we come out ahead. Sounds like you’re UK(?)/Aus, but I hope worker pay is rising there the way it is here in the US.