After spending Thanksgiving camped out in a school hall, evacuated Livingston residents are now going home. But the cause of the train derailment remains a mystery. Amelia Neath reports

In the small, remote town of Livingston, Kentucky, residents had been preparing their turkeys and setting their tables for Thanksgiving the following day.

The roughly 200 people had no idea that a train carrying chemicals had derailed off the tracks nearby.

In total, 16 large train cars derailed – two containing molten sulphur. The chemicals instantly caught fire and sent large clouds of smoke billowing into the air.

The atmosphere quickly filled with toxic sulphur dioxide, prompting authorities to declare an emergency and evacuate residents from their homes, sending them to shelter in hotels, lodgings, and even a local middle school.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    Well, the good news is conservative residents have no reason to be concerned. Science is totally fake and doctors are all liars, so there is nothing at all to worry about. Also, the bible doesn’t say anything about chemicals being dangerous.

    Normal (non-conservative) residents should be alarmed and concerned, though. Get the hell away from that polluted place!