How hard is it to add c or f to the end of a tempreture

How the hell are people supposed to know if you are using celsius or fahrenheit

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      Your example just proved my point. The context for the second one is that the first one is clearly Celsius. Why would you ever change units?

      I suppose if this were a conversation about imperial vs metric you’d give me the example of wanting a 50cm board that’s 2 thick and wondering how the reader was supposed to know you you didn’t mean 2 inches

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        I gave you the example, an American would accidentally switch when talking about the weather back home last week as it would be Fahrenheit in a Celsius county. How does that prove YOUR point lmfao.

          • @[email protected]
            10 months ago

            They use Fahrenheit 99% of the time, the only time they would ever use Celsius would be for current local weather when traveling.

            Very few people would remember to make the change, and you’re only lying to yourself if you don’t think the vast majority of people would make the mistake. Like it happens all the time when conversing online or IRL already and you want to claim people are smarter than that? Sure buddy…. Why do you think this post exists…? Because it happens lmfao.

            • @[email protected]
              010 months ago

              I think you’re the one lying to yourself if you think the vast majority of people would just forget to specify. That wasn’t a realistic example of a common conversation about weather in my experience

              • @[email protected]
                10 months ago

                The vast majority of people will since they know to when conversing, but the vast majority of people aren’t American….

                Americans specifically, who we are talking about, don’t since they aren’t use to it. Americans don’t make up the vast majority of people, so you’re not wrong, but that’s not what was being discussed in this specific case.

                Americans was the key word, and again, this literally already happens… hence the is post and discussion. Burying your head in the sand and pretending this already doesn’t happen is quite frankly asinine.

                And yes, I know I’ve upset Americans and are being downvoted solely for pointing out the mistake they all make without realizing it.

                • @[email protected]
                  010 months ago

                  Americans would just…give both temperatures in fahrenheit. Unless phones have started changing measurement units based on location.

                  This conversation is different than OP’s because you’re saying it’s common for people to switch units mid-speech

                  • @[email protected]
                    10 months ago

                    I’m assuming you are American and therefore don’t converse with other Americans much while abroad. If you’re in Europe, the weather forecast is in Celsius, you would be seeing 22 everywhere but your phone. When conversing with someone, unless you’re a complete arrogant ass (well these are Americans and you admitted to doing the same and now everything makes sense….) you would use the local units. So you would use Celsius, than slip up when following g up about your local place.

                    Again, this is already an issue an happening, you just don’t notice it from your side point of view. Hell most won’t even realize they made the folly.

                    And it’s not different, you said you could tell by context, I provided you a very real situation that already happens that would not allow you to tell the unit by context. And now you’re arguing completely different points.

                    The inverse even happens in the states when getting visotors, most visitors use the local units and slip up when talking about home, but they usually denote units already since they know it’s an issue when conversing with Americans. It’s a real thing if you don’t choose to ignore it because murica.