• @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    There’s things you can talk about on here and there’s things that you can’t. If you mention that you like Amazon, everybody that has no clue about anything and that just reads articles with no real experience anywhere will down vote you. With that said I hope this strike works out for them. Anybody have the actual numbers? Hundreds or thousands definitely ain’t enough.

    • @[email protected]
      -117 months ago

      Honestly, Lemmy seems worse than reddit, people actually just upvote and downvote based on feels instead of facts. Or things that sound good regardless of accuracy. Probably going to be done with it. Too many idiots here.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          Genuine question, do you or your family buy things on Amazon? Have to be pretty stupid to call someone a shill that works for them. Next time your Amazon delivery driver drops off a package for you, how about you run out there and scream at them for being a shill, you fucking moron. Because that’s what you’re doing right now.

          • @[email protected]
            87 months ago

            repeatedly replying with this identical comment didn’t help your case at all. it further makes you look like a bot.

            also your knee jerk reaction isn’t doing your position any favors. obviously some people have ok experiences working for Amazon otherwise no one would do it. but I think the majority and systemic issue of poor treatment is pretty clear at this point. and while you may not have direct experience of this it would be considerate to recognize that most do and deserve whatever support we can spare.

            • @[email protected]
              37 months ago

              I’m more cracking up at his whole “if you use amazon but also complain about it you’re a fucking dumbass idiot fuckwad moron blah blah rtard”

              Ignoring that there literally is no ethical consumption under capitalism anymore. My choices for shopping are amazon or Walmart because nowhere else is affordable. You can’t vote with your wallet anymore. That’s WHY strikes and supporting workers are so important, and that’s why this dumbass is actually a fucking asshole piece of shit.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        It has been pretty rough when it comes to talking about anything of any significance. You have first hand experience that should mean something. These people read an article and it somehow means more. A real downer especially running your own instance in the fediverse.

            • sour
              7 months ago

              how much of amazon consists of one’s coworkers

              • @[email protected]
                27 months ago

                It’s true that one facility can’t account for others. I’d be curious to see real evidence all around the globe for the god awful treatment you read about. It just really is hard to believe after having worked there with seeing the utmost respect all around for the most part and safety pushed like a motherfucker (annoyingly so honestly). The complaints I was always involved in were lazy fellow coworkers and wanting more pay. I’m around $40/hr right now and still want more pay. You should always want more pay. You should also work your way up to it. Amazon provides tons of tools for educating yourself and leaving the company to head to an entirely different field. That’s what I did. If you’re going to be a replaceable baseline employee you need to treat it like a stepping stone and use everything they provide and leave. Or work your way up in the company and become irreplaceable.

                • sour
                  07 months ago

                  workers shouldn’t be replacable in the first place

                  • @[email protected]
                    7 months ago

                    Yeah I get it we all want a fluffy, soft wonderful place to live in, but if you’re working a job that basically requires zero training, you are replaceable by default, and a robot will be taking over in the future. In some cases they already have. The one I worked at they had two giant, robotic arms that built pallets of totes and wrapped them. Four years ago.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          You have first hand experience that should mean something.

          You would think, right? At the very least, generate a discussion instead of people just downvoting me and calling me a scab, or telling me that my first hand experience isn’t a proper source because some online video told them otherwise… yeah, I think I’ve had enough of it. Initially I thought Lemmy was better than reddit, or that it was like reddit when it first started, when genuine discussion was to be had, but it really isn’t… it’s the same shit as reddit today, just with less people on it.