• @[email protected]
    07 months ago

    How many of the people that are advocating to vote for the likes of Jill Stein - of those that are not just Russian bots/agents and are people even acting in good faith, that is - do you think are reachable? People that seem to take their cues from the likes of Susan Sarandon don’t strike me as a market segment that will be convinced by anything.

    People playing the “more leftist than thou” game don’t seem all that serious to me. And calling them purity ponies is hardly a harsh criticism, it perfectly embodies their behaviors and emotional hysterias - if they don’t get their way, 100%, they are willing to put the entire world in jeopardy.

    Does that strike you as rational?

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      And calling them purity ponies is hardly a harsh criticism

      I didn’t say it was harsh. I said it was infantile.

      Does that strike you as rational?

      Rational or not, if you need their votes, you need their votes.

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          I find it so interesting that the party that keeps abandoning its stated principles so that GOP-senpai will notice them refuses to treat people in their own caucus like they need their votes.