• The new US stealth bomber may be taken by surprise by ultra-fast missiles coming from near space with the unpredictable ‘Qian Xuesen trajectory’
  • Beating the American bomber will be pivotal in any future conflict with China, as it has the potential to slip behind China’s core defence
  • @krayj
    17 months ago

    You made the general comment that hypersonics don’t make sense “against airborn targets”, so that’s whst I was asking about…not bombers specifically. Fighters are airborn targets also, and those are what I was immediately thinking about when you said hypersonics make no sense against airborn targets.

    • @JohnDClay
      17 months ago

      Oh okay, makes sense. Yeah, but the boost glide hypersonics that China has right now don’t necessarily have a quicker response time than direct missiles because they need to go most all the way to the karman line to get the potential energy to glide down. Future direct attack hypersonics would likely make sense, but the current ones seem pretty anti carrier optimized.