Hey fellow Redditors,

I’ve never felt compelled to write a negative review until now, but my experience with the Remarkable tablet has been nothing short of a nightmare, and I feel obligated to share my story to save others from a similar fate.

I purchased the Remarkable device around two years ago, and it’s been a series of disappointments and frustrations ever since. The issues began with the device’s inability to support Chinese fonts, a critical detail that was conveniently omitted during the purchase process. Despite reporting this flaw multiple times, Remarkable did nothing to address it.

Fast forward to recent weeks when the device’s synchronization became impractical, leaving me with a device that was essentially useless. I decided to reach out to Remarkable support, and the nightmare escalated from there. The return process for the faulty device was unnecessarily complicated, involving a long drive to print documents.

Upon receiving the replacement, I encountered the same problems within a month. After diligently following all the steps provided by their support team, the only response I received was blaming the pairing issue on the installation of Chinese fonts. Ridiculous, right? I was never informed that installing fonts could render the device useless.

The frustration, time, and energy wasted on this device are beyond measure. I’ve tried to communicate directly with the Remarkable team, but my pleas have fallen on deaf ears. The lack of acknowledgment and support is unacceptable.

I’m turning to the Reddit community to share my experience and to urge anyone considering a Remarkable purchase to think twice. The lack of transparency, poor customer service, and a defective product make this a regrettable investment.

Save yourself the headache and consider other options. I wish I had.

Stay informed, stay away from Remarkable.

#RemarkableTablet #CustomerExperience #RegretfulPurchase #NotWorthIt

  • @[email protected]B
    110 months ago

    It takes a special kind of vanity to come into these comments and bad-mouth OP, to tell them they’re flat-out wrong and start calling them names. It’s incredibly intolerant, disrespectful, and shows a real lack of maturity by those commenters. It makes this whole community appear vicious and shallow.

    OP has understandable issues, and they shouldn’t be blamed for them. reMarkable, themselves, are indeed unhelpful in many ways that were validly criticized, but also generous in the lengths they’ll go to satisfy their customer. As a community, to be unable to take these criticisms constructively, not thinking the problem through, attaching personal feelings, is unacceptable. Did OP go a little too far? Perhaps, if they have to drive somewhere to print documents, c’est la vie, but for those who are intimately familiar with reMarkable’s software, the rest of OP’s frustrations are understandable.

    For one, contrary to what parallel comments have opined, it does NOT break any terms of service to only install a font(s). It isn’t hard to install one…it’s a supported function of the underlying operating system…BUT, most instructions I’ve seen elsewhere were written by people who don’t have the technical literacy to understand why putting fonts in the system partition (in /usr/local/fonts or such) is a bad idea. It’s a bad idea because the reMarkable system partition is ~200 MB large, and most of that space is used up. Depending on the number and size of fonts (and whether a user has also inappropriately put custom templates in /usr), the system partition will fill up. When the system partition fills up, the system software begins to fail. Updates cannot be checked. SSH fails. Bad things happen.

    If OP had just put their fonts in /home/root/.local/fonts instead, they probably never would have had an issue.

    That reMarkable also doesn’t support Asian typography is a clear shortfall. There is no good reason against this – the fonts are free and libre, and hundreds of people have downloaded my own reMarkable font packages, so there clearly is demand. This is a valid criticism of the default software and company. However, if other people wouldn’t post “tutorials” with bad fundamentals, OP probably wouldn’t have had any problem (a case of the blind leading the blind).