Robert De Niro told an awards ceremony a speech he was reading had been edited without his knowledge, removing critical comments about Donald Trump.

  • @Jax
    807 months ago

    Because the monkeys that support Trump are the exact kind of people to hold actors in higher regard than they should be.

    This shit isn’t rocket science, the logic is as easy to read as 1+1.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      The article literally mentions John Wayne, one of the idols of the right. The dude was a bastard. Beat up his wives and girlfriends, cheated on his wives, skipped out on being an actual soldier in WWII because his movie career was taking off and like all the other bastards that suddenly decide their manhood should revolve around character they never built, he became a wannabe ever since. Just like modern day Arpaio and Nugent. Tough guys that dodged or made a big deal of minor service, one of which is an entertainer, has tv shows and sings. They were also perfectly happy to broadcast Eastwood talking to a chair when it suited them.