It’s a video about why the Internet and society itself is so divided nowadays.

  • [email protected]A
    255 months ago

    You’re a {slur} for believing such {op’s source}.
    Real {imagined good guys group} like me know the truth and we’re better than {punching bag other group}.
    {slur} {slur}!
    Others are always in bad faith, but not us, duh.

    At least that’s how it looks like looking at the reports I get.
    So many people talk at each other rather than taking to each other.

      • @[email protected]
        105 months ago

        There’s also a third audience most people don’t consider: everyone reading the thread that isn’t engaging directly.

        You might not convince the direct ‘opponent’ in an internet debate, but can still make an impact on others that might be more open to listening to a new perspective.

      • jaycifer
        75 months ago

        Yeah, but behind that wrong side is a valid person, and without a discussion you’ll never know how they ended up on that wrong side. Without knowing how they got there, you’ll never be able to sway them away from the wrong side and they will continue to be wrong.

        I think everyone has something worth saying, but in the majority of cases I just don’t have the time, energy, or patience to get to that something.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          This is a great point for the vast majority of opinions. I have an aunt who’s a flaming, angry conservative. She and her husband lost their jobs because of Obama tax increases and he now works as a flunky for his brother.

          I understand where she’s coming from because I listened. Didn’t stop me from blocking her eventually, though. One must limit the amount of toxicity one sees on a daily basis.

      • [email protected]A
        15 months ago

        Yea, this is exactly my point after seeing the reports I get on lemmy.