Imho an intressting development in the completly wrong direction. However it shows the massive problem capitalism has, that it increases capital accumulation within a small group of people. It also is a strong argument against the idea of billionaires having earned their wealth.

  • @spacecowboy
    47 months ago

    No. The ultra rich founders you’re talking about may have “worked hard” but they still stole that money from the people doing the actual work. It’s an easy recipe to follow.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      37 months ago

      To end up a billionaire from nothing, you have to create a sophisticated organization, which is able to take money from as many people as possible. You also have to feed it and adapt it constantly as growth requires change. Fast growth, which is needed to make it in a lifetime, require very quick adaption. That organizing is real work and to become a billionaire from it you have to do it for years and use every single minute you do not need to keep your body operating. There are literally millions trying to do it and nearly all fail.

      There is nothing easy about it and it is not a recipe one can just follow. Have some respect for the great gangsters of our generation.

      • schmorp
        57 months ago

        Have some respect for the great gangsters of our generation.

        You have a point there. Hmm. Maybe not respect for the gangster, but being astounded at their utter ruthlessness?

      • @[email protected]
        07 months ago

        Becoming a billionaire is never about skill, or ‘spending time effectively’. Fast growth is also not a feat of a billionaire.

        I think you are grasping for a superhero that doesn’t exist.

        • @[email protected]OPM
          37 months ago

          So it is just random chance? No skill involved no steps to take some folks just end up rich and others do not. Thank god and here I thought you have to exploit workers and be smart about that or have to cozy up to some dictator for favors with a good chance that some of your fellows might kill you. Great to here that there is no skill involved in those types of activities. Silly me.

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            That’s not skill, it’s networks and resources you ALREADY HAVE.

            Bears shit in the forest. This is not a ‘skill’. They shit in the forest because that’s where they happen to be.

            It’s the same with billionaires, they were just born in that environment. You confuse bears shitting in the forest with a demonstration of skill.

            If you place one out of context, it will shit on your carpet instead. Except then you will not consider it a ‘skill’ but something distasteful.