The Biden administration has announced a proposal to “strengthen its Lead and Copper Rule that would require water systems to replace lead service lines within 10 years,” the White House said in a statement on Thursday.

According to the White House, more than 9.2 million American households connect to water through lead pipes and lead service lines and, due to “decades of inequitable infrastructure development and underinvestment,” many Americans are at risk of lead exposure.

“There is no safe level of exposure to lead, particularly for children, and eliminating lead exposure from the air, water, and homes is a crucial component of the Biden-Harris Administration’s historic commitment to advancing environmental justice,” the Biden administration said.

    • @[email protected]
      610 months ago

      News flash: these pipes were laid up to 120 years ago, and the Flynt disaster was caused by republican leadership trying to cheap-out on water expenses for a primarily poor community.

      Those pipes are all over the nation, under huge cities and small rural communities. This is no small task. Flynt isn’t fixed because it is not easy, and the administration involved was a combination of criminals and incompetents.

    • @Jax
      510 months ago

      Cue someone making sure to inform you that all those military people, who are definitely 100% ready for an invasion, genuinely need to sit around and do nothing instead of actually making their country a better place.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      Dude, this is not going to happen. They will be exposes to lead for 100 more years, not 10. This is just empty talk. Money for this will be stolen by private companies or corrupt officials. To do projects like this you need a strong central government which US doesn’t have. What was the last big investment in infrastructure they did? Energy lines are shit, railway’s nonexistent, public education sux, there’s no public healthcare and prisons are torture centres. They only ever do things if some corporation can make money off of it. My guess is companies will take money for this and then do nothing, same like happened with fast Internet.