• @[email protected]
    247 months ago

    I was really on-board of the idea of Lemmy in the beginning. It all made a lot of sense, and I felt like a part of the community.

    But now it feels like its just an echo chamber of people, who seems to have very extreme beliefs.

    It’s starting to be clear that the whole “ML - Leninism Marxism” was actually a big part of Lemmy.

    I’m a centrist, slightly leaning towards the left, but I don’t feel like I truly belong in the demographic of Lemmy any longer. Reddit is starting to pull me back, and Boost still works, which only makes it harder to resist…

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Extreme leftist politics, memes, linux, a weirdly active Star Trek community (comparatively) and blocking furry/anime porn communities daily. That’s been my experience so far.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      I feel the same way sometimes. I’m a centrist as well, a lot of the people on both sidee in this platform do have extreme takes and have the “You must agree with me or I will ban you” attitude. I wish it was a bit more diverse, whenever I come on Lemmy it is completely saturated with leftists post. I have nothing against people on the left, its just the fact that content is so obviously saturated with it.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        What really made me want to leave lemmy more than anything so far was seeing a completely negative reaction to anyone calling out the Kissinger death posts being spammed like junk mail all over the fediverse.

        “What? You don’t like seeing the same post 50 times in one day? Fuck you, downvoted. I wanted this guy dead so any post gets an upvote from me”

        That’s the kind of attitude that will drive users away and turn this venture into a political liquid shit puddle. We need variety. Not an echo chamber. Lemmy was quite literally unusable during that period so I stopped opening it.

        Also how some people don’t want Lemmy to grow because they like the smaller community feel, while simultaneously putting off a groupthink attitude that will only shrink it more. Essentially a kind of sentiment that lemmy should be what they want, and not what’s best for the platform and majority of users overall.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      I left Lemmy for like 6 months because I got tired of the echo chamber. I’m usually inclined to the left but this was just too much and too extreme. There were some pretty interesting topics that I learned here, like how badly designed society is and why cars are an artificial need. Those “intellectual” discussions (if you could call them that) kept me engaged, but even those spaces were ruined by people totally closed to the idea of a middle-ground.

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      I’m not actually seeing tankies around, any more – lemmygrad banned me within days so that their minds wouldn’t be polluted by my arguments, and whatever happened to hexbear I don’t know they seem to have largely defederated again.

    • @[email protected]
      -37 months ago

      I am honestly put off by people who really go by Marxist-Leninist schtick. This whole thing reminds of the old anecdote about a dialogue between a jew and God about the Holocaust: “I guess you had to be there”. Seeing privileged white kids run around the internet calling for good old Lenin/Stalin times are no better than bonehead Nazis fighting their own fears materialized as Yet Another [racist slur of your choice].

      It’s entertaining for like five minutes, but the joke gets tiresome very quickly.