I own a condo and have one dog and one cat. They get along and play all the time, but I feel like the cat is often lonely and missing a cuddling companion. He’s a rescue who was a street cat for years before I adopted him. I’ve been considering fostering or adopting another cat to give him company. Thoughts?

  • @flambonkscious
    17 months ago

    Did you get them all at once or slowly build up to three? I’ve not seen introductions go well when one cat is already established, which makes sense given their territorial nature… (But I don’t have a huge sample size to draw from)

    • seahorse [Ohio]
      17 months ago

      Yeah, I had one cat at first for about 6 months, then took in my grandpa’s cat because my grandpa couldn’t care for him anymore. I fostered like 8 other cats after that who came and went and eventually got a foster I couldn’t get adopted so I kept her, so now I have 3 :)