• @PaupersSerenade
      827 months ago

      It’s a long video posted by YouTube creator HBomberguy regarding plagiarism on YouTube. If you watch/listen to video essays on YouTube it’s worth a play.

      TL;DW- it’s a longstanding issue of ripping practically verbatim sections of other people’s work without proper sourcing. There were a few larger named channels put forth as evidence. I know at least one of the plagarist has since turned off comments on his videos.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      From looking, his recent video is retreading drama that had happened over the last several months but OP is claiming bald man did all the work.

      I dunno about the other 2, but the iilluminautii segment in the video has been done dozens of times at this point and involved half a dozen creators that were direct associates of her bringing her down. But, nah, all bald man.

      edit: I forgot but she also partially took herself down by posting one of her editors notes containing suicidal ideation because of her in her video defending herself against that editor…

      • db0OP
        357 months ago

        Nono the bald man is referring to the original hbomb video against aurini

      • @PaupersSerenade
        247 months ago

        He covered at least 5 content creators, so it’s not just ‘the other two’. This is purely anecdotal as this was my personal experience.

        I definitely knew about the illuminati drama, but none of the others. I’ve seen video essays from every creator covered (except for Phillip) and had enjoyed having James S in the background in particular. It looks like he’s turned off all comments in his videos post plagiarism video. For the record I hadn’t seen any other hbomberguy videos prior to this.

        • @[email protected]
          -37 months ago

          Im gonna go on a bit of a logical leap here using current information regarding The Completionist. Karl Jobst and SomeOrdinaryGamers released their initial findings regarding the charity fraud in their own videos. As they have each found info that develops the situation, they release another video pointed at that specific information. Karl does a high level whereas Mutahar does deep dives so his videos take a couple days longer to emerge.

          In this instance, they are releasing one video pointing one finger at one issue at one creator rather than a 4 hour compilation at nearly half a dozen people covering dozens of complaints. Bald mans video, at the very least, has hallmarks of a compilation rather than any actual investigative value.

          • @PaupersSerenade
            227 months ago

            Did we watch the same video? Did you watch the video? I’m aware of the charity situation but that wasn’t referenced in the video.

      • Franzia
        77 months ago

        If you’re this invested, watch the hbomberguy video. I think you’d like it.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        If it started with him, then I guess the dominoes make sense - it wouldn’t be a claim that he did all the work, just set it in motion.

        I have no idea though, I am OOTL also and haven’t looked at the video yet.

        • @[email protected]
          -147 months ago

          Nah, I can absolutely confirm in at least one of those cases he is several months behind the curve and just tacking it on to pad video length.

          • @PaupersSerenade
            257 months ago

            I understood his video to be primarily calling out rampant plagiarism on YouTube. Illuminati was a small portion of the video and helped him convey the issue with content farms. Also, just because you’re aware of the issue doesn’t mean everyone else is.

            • Unaware7013
              117 months ago

              Well yeah, hbomb is very well known for making short videos, so clearly he’s just trying to pad his runtime for views and that sweet, sweet ad revenue he’s making from these drama videos.

          • brvslvrnst
            167 months ago

            Should note that right at the beginning he jokes about how long it took them to get this video out (notes the writers’ strike as “ongoing”).

            Also, I knew none of this stuff. His long-form video essays are always a great watch because they aren’t shot out 5m after something happens and consist of mostly opinions.