Let’s get a list going. Like with a Target debit card you can get $40 cash back and it takes 1 to 2 days to be withdraw from your checking.

  • @[email protected]
    137 months ago

    Not the same person but where I am there are shelters and community centers that offer these things for free. The facilities are not in as good condition as a gym membership though.

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      We have tons of shelters in the US too. Talk to any homeless person though and they’ll tell you they don’t use the shelter because it either: forces them to not use drugs, splits up a family, has lots of sexual assaults going on, or has more health related problems than it’s worth.

      • @xor
        26 months ago

        last time i took a shower at a homeless shelter:
        you have to hand all your stuff to a guy at a window, he puts it in a bag, then you go to a medium sized room with several shower heads spraying towards the middle…
        so you don’t just get your shower, you get the water bouncing off a dozen naked homeless guys…
        the water is a tepid, narrow, painful jet…
        i caught scabies and athletes foot…

        i’ve taken one other one at a shelter in another city and state and it was identical…

        gym is way better, otherwise i’d rather take a bird bath in a random bathroom sink…

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        Oh definitely, it’s not a great option regardless so if you have the ability to pay, the gym is definitely the better option.