• @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Have you done the maths, or are you guessing? For the rate to be equal, there must have been 220 mass shooting in the US since 1994, wich is the earliest mass shootings on this list.

    (332 mil / 6mil) X 4 mass shootings registered since 1994

    Notice it is SINCE 1994. I believe there are double this EVERY year in the US. The actual comparison is 15000 (mass) shootings Vs 220 (adjusted to reflect the population) making it 70! Times higher in the US, after accounting for the population differences

    So you are not correct when you say it is higher in Denmark.

    Also note that this is a comparison for mass shootings. Gun violence in general is even more extreme

    This is a VERY rough comparison simply to prove you wrong, but there is a good article about this, comparing Denmark and the US here


    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Well that one guy in Denmark got eighty alone, and the states 200 this year, so yeah it was fast math, but at least I used numbers of victims, not incidents. You’re doing some excellent fast talking shitty math yourself there.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        I think you’re confusing Denmark with Norway my fast talking friend…

        That said, i dont think you’d want to look into gun casualties to prove your point also what is that 200 you mention? I don’t know how many have died in mass shootings in the US, but it is a lot more than the 200 you claim it to be.