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I will start with naltrexone, which can help people who have difficulty regulating their drinking have a more natural and sustainable relationship with alcohol should they choose to not cut it out of their lives entirely.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago


    • makes my headaches go away
    • makes it easier to poop
    • tastes good
    • cools me down on a hot day
    • super inexpensive, so cheap you can bathe in it
    • only bad part is that it makes you need to pee
    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      tastes good

      Sir, let’s discuss the taste of water.

      My sister tells me water is tasteless. I disagree. Water definitely has a taste. I have yet to find water with a taste I like except when I am very dehydrated.

      Tap water? Definitely no. Filtered water? Nope. Mineral water? Nah. Flavored water? Eugh.

      Tea, though. Tea is amazing. Especially coffee tea. Coffee tea is amazing. You take coffee beans, grind them up, and pass hot water through it. It’s so amazing.

      • @[email protected]
        57 months ago

        Not every tap water tastes the same. I have had tap water that is a bliss to drink but I’ve also had tap water that was barely drinkable without being filtered…

        Also, tea and coffee also profit from using good water while making them.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        Rain tank water is bloody lifechanging. Tap water tastes too strong, and filtered water doesn’t seem to do much to the water (although lifestraw filtered water does seem to remove the unpleasant flavours better) but water from our galvanised iron tank is recognisable and downright pleasant. Also the concrete tank is pretty good too. You can taste if anyone gets water from the plastic tanks on the east side of the house though. Ick.

        These days I run rainwater through a lifestraw and call it good. No tea beats that.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        No idea where you live, but the tap water is amazing where I live (somewhere in the western United States). And it comes from a set of glaciers that’s basically behind my house.

        If my tap water tasted bad I’d probably set up a solar still to purify it.

      • @[email protected]OP
        27 months ago

        You tried Fiji or Evian? I find them so damn refreshing and “palatable” even tho I am at baseline a HydrationHomie