I was car shopping this weekend and was blown away by the tech features that are available in even moderately priced cars. Adaptive cruise with lane assist, blind spot monitoring, backup cameras, navigation and even reverse automatic breaking. Even base models had quiet smooth rides.

When I bought my last new car 10 years ago, this was only the stuff of luxury brands. So that got me to thinking, what luxury commodities will become affordable in the next 10 years?

  • Whirlgirl9
    131 year ago

    Nothing. Trickle down has always been a lie so the wealthy could steal vast amounts of assets from the middle class and the poor.

    • atlhart
      251 year ago

      Trickledown wealth, yes, but the spirit of OPs question is “stuff”. “Stuff” does generally get cheaper over time.

      I bought a 55” Plasma TV in 2008 for $2100. Last year I bout a 65” OLED for $1600. Much better picture, much thinner/lighter, much lower power consumption and heat generation.

      This is the spirit of OPs question.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        So mostly electronics then!

        The rest (like motors, solar panels etc) gets cheaper eventually put way slower.

        • QuinceDaPence
          61 year ago

          Solar panels prices have, for the past several decades, been dropping like a rock while also becoming much highwer quality and higher efficiency. It’s only now that they seem to have for the most part leveled off. Now the panels the cheapest part of a solar setup. Batteries, inverters, and charge controllers are the more expensive items.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Well yes, and no.

            Over several decades, yes.

            Per year it has been a steady ~5% / year (to be fair IDK about like the last some years) since at least the 1970. It does add up! But slowly.

            Electronics? Yeah that’s a falling rock. Like -50 percent (!) Every 18 months or 2 years.

            The difference of “Moore’s law” and incremental advances in the rest of the industry really shows off when you compare them side to side.

            BTW biotech seems to benefit or run on something like Moore’s law. It’s very interesting times over there IMO.

        • atlhart
          11 year ago

          You know why. You’re just trying to be smug.

          It’s fine if you don’t want a large television, but someone else isn’t CRAZY for making different choices.

          It’d be nice to leave the toxicity on those other sites.

    • eltimablo
      101 year ago

      A $2000 computer from 10 years ago is about as powerful as a $200 smartphone today. Things get cheaper over time.

        • Hank
          61 year ago

          It’s not the point of the discussion. It’s about technology getting more accessible over time.
          So in this context the statement isn’t true, no.