“This brings the total debt cancellation my administration has approved to $132 billion for over 3.6 million Americans through various actions,” Biden said in a statement.

  • Melkath
    -927 months ago

    Fucker has 10 billion dollars for Israel but no dollars (not his plan that cancelled the debt) for Americans.


      • Bakkoda
        177 months ago

        Coming in 2025: Trump Bux! Use it at Trump universities, Trump airlines and Trump reformation centers!

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          And when a TrumpAir jet goes down, the families of the partners get the cleanup and aircraft replacement bills, since that plane never would have been in the air if not for them, so it’s really their fault.

      • Melkath
        77 months ago

        I’d expect that from a republican. That’s why I don’t vote for them.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          On lemmy, it’s either you suck the dick they tell you to suck, or you’re “for the other guy”…whatever current evil they choose today happens to be. They don’t like factual even-handed takes on anything.

          • Melkath
            -437 months ago

            Thank you SO much for corroborating it.

            It’s not just the federverse tho.

            It’s the fascist brainwashed Republicans vs the fascist brainwashed Democrats in general.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Oh your “they are the same shit” is so annoying. You both come off as imbeciles. whatever, the options are not great, but come on you got an elderly lukewarm President or an elderly moron president.

              One of which actively tried to dismantle our democracy, and their party has blocked almost every initiative they could that help the American people.

              Billionaires are eating our world alive and climate change is going to cause mass migration.

              You have no sense of civic duty, if we don’t help our neighbors then how the hell are we united as country?

                • @[email protected]
                  57 months ago

                  It’s closer to “when your options are the genocide far away and a genocide here, or a genocide far away”

                  Not voting doesn’t change a thing. The genocide far away will happen no matter what so the moral thing to do is to vote for the option that will minimize the amount of genocide being done. In the meantime the only thing you can do about the genocide far away is to call your congress and write to your local representative. It feels like almost nothing, but frankly there is almost nothing we can do. We can only minimize the total harm done by voting for Democrats instead of just letting Republicans run wild both domestically and abroad.

                  • Melkath
                    -87 months ago

                    Your opening Salvo doesn’t make sense.

                    The prompt is what you vote for. When you don’t, it’s not for any of it.

                    Democrats have a history of doing this when the DNC gets all Kissinger.

                    Republicans do either way.

                    That’s the history.

                • @[email protected]
                  -87 months ago

                  Are you familiar with two wrongs don’t make a right?

                  Or how about the lesser of two evils? Do you think the republicans would have handled this better somehow?

                  You are delusional if you believe that

                  Like I said you’re clearly a reactionary moron. Good luck with that, I’m sure you’re a big brave person fighting the good fight.

    • BolexForSoup
      17 months ago

      There’s a huge difference between what you can do with legislation, and what you can do with executive authority. The aid for Israel is via legislation, i.e. Congress, who has ultimate control over the purse. The executive branch can’t just increase spending for something like that.

      • @ZombiFrancis
        27 months ago

        The executive branch has the authority to cancel debts owed to the executive branch.

          • @ZombiFrancis
            17 months ago

            I don’t know the percentage but the amount is like $1.5 trillion.

            • BolexForSoup
              7 months ago

              Yes. The department of education holds over 90% of student loan debt i believe - hence part of the contention. And those loans can be forgiven by Congress according to the law. It’s grey at best if the executive branch can do it. Hence why this is the 3rd attempt and we’ve seen previous ones go to court.

              The executive branch does not necessarily have the authority to cancel those debts. That’s why these court battles have been taking place.

              I mean clearly he has been trying to do this via the means he thinks they can win with. What makes you think they haven’t been forgiving them? This article is literally them trying to do it again. The problem is that it is functionally an end run around Congress and the GOP doesn’t want it to happen.

              • @ZombiFrancis
                17 months ago

                The Department of Education is a part of the Exeutive Branch. They can opt to cancel and forgive debt owed.

                It isn’t opting to cut a check from Congress, its cancelled owed interest loans.

                The cases that stopped previous attempts to cancel debt has been a judicial run around of the executive branch. Their argument that the executive branch cancelling debt was a run around congress. SCOTUS said (‘leaked’) they were going to throw out debt cancellation prior to seeing the arguments so it really is more about exercising power. Their argument boiled down to “this would have done a lot for people, which sounds like something Congress would want control of”. They sidestepped that point of authority.

                I still maintain the executive branch can order the executive branch to consider the debt forgiven. They just can’t or won’t with SCOTUS being what it is.

                There is precedent here for the executive branch to act, but they aren’t, which is where the ire comes from many.

                • BolexForSoup
                  7 months ago

                  I still maintain the executive branch can order the executive branch to consider the debt forgiven. They just can’t or won’t with SCOTUS being what it is.

                  Dude they literally have and are trying again. They can’t force SCOTUS to uphold it. Simple as that. To call it inaction is ridiculous. This post is about their third attempt I believe.

                  Like are you actually following what has happened? Are you up to date on this issue?

                  If the executive branch clearly had the authority to do it then it wouldn’t have gone to the courts in the first place. You just don’t understand this subject, which isn’t a crime, but to then pass it off as if the administration hasn’t actually attempted it is, again, ridiculous.

                  • @ZombiFrancis
                    17 months ago

                    I have been following the court cases. The arguments only had standing in some extremely political courts.

                    My point is the Biden administration is not taking an aggressive enough approach to it. So the inaction I reference is not total inertia, just insufficient.

                    It is the third attempt, yes, and I guess one attempt per year is good enough for enough people.