“The rich gazed at their superyachts, and decided they were not enough. The new breed of megayachts, which are at least 70 metres (230ft) in length, may be the most expensive moveable assets ever created.”

“First and foremost, owning a megayacht is the most polluting activity a single person can possibly engage in. Abramovich’s yachts emit more than 22,000 tonnes of carbon every year, which is more than some small countries. Even flying long-haul every day of the year, or air-conditioning a sprawling palace, would not get close to those emissions levels.

The bulk of these emissions happen whether or not a yacht actually travels anywhere. Simply owning one – or indeed building one – is an act of enormous climate vandalism.”

  • @[email protected]
    287 months ago

    Bluntly banning Megayachts seems excessively interventionalist when you could instead ban the fossil fuel engines they use and ban the emissions. Make them pass a smog test that’s no more lenient than a car. Why not effectively force them to be wind and solar powered and thus force them to blow their money on advancing green energy? If that kills the megayacht business anyway, well then fair enough.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      I actually think that’s an awesome idea. Force them to be “green” mega yachts. They can’t bitch about batteries being expensive, they’re literally the richest people on the fucking planet. We shouldn’t have to suffer even more just so they can be obscenely wealthy and cheap at the same time…

    • punkisundead [they/them]
      17 months ago

      No one should own a mega yacht, even if its solar or wind powered. And its like 100% a given, that super rich would just pay double the price (compared to current mega yachts) to get them because they can

        • punkisundead [they/them]
          7 months ago

          Super rich people should use submarines instead Edit: As a more serious answer, the resources and human labor needed t build and maintain those massive yachts can be used for better things.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        I’d be down for all megayachts being commandeered by the state and held in public trust as free museums. Large luxury sailing vessels ought to be public property, with reservable tickets free to everyone, and crews employed full time and treated well.