• @Aquila
    107 months ago

    Earth is only fucked from a human perspective. There will still be numerious vibrant life all through out nature without humans there because we made it unhibatiable for ourselves

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      Not likely. We’re in the middle of a mass extinction event. 70% of all species have gone extinct since the industrial revolution.

      • @Aquila
        37 months ago

        Source? Could only find that populations have declined by 60-70%. Also there’s been 5 mass extinctions that we know of. There’s still life on earth. My point is just that nature will continue on without us. Life will adapt.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      The only honest answer right now is that we have no idea to what extent climate change will go.

      There’s life that will persist after humans, but what’s to say the feedback loops will stop in time to stay hospitable to those?

      Earth could be on track to shed it’s atmosphere, or go molten - there comes a point where even the most resilient of extremophiles won’t be able to persist, and Earth just becomes another completely lifeless rock floating through space.

      Or we die off, the climate stabilizes, and everything’s just fine for the critters that haven’t gone extinct yet.

      Or anywhere in between.

      But we can’t assume one way or another.
