After some arduous work from the developers and many other contributors, the newest version of lemmy has become available!

Many long-awaited features are now available - like blocking instances and exporting/importing an account.

You can head over to the original post to look at the long list of new features:

Thanks a lot to the developers for their hard work! If you would like to support Lemmy’s development, please make sure to check out the developer’s funding drive:

  • @TonyTonyChopper
    25 months ago

    I can’t log in or access anything across lemmy from my Mander account on Liftoff for Android

    • SalamanderOPM
      15 months ago

      Hmm, I have not used Liftoff myself. But I have looked into the github issues, their lemmy community, and their matrix chat to get an idea of what the status is. There is no evidence that anyone is actively working on implementing the 0.19.0 update at the moment, unfortunately. So I don’t know if/when lemmy 0.19.0 will be supported by it.