The Biden campaign fiercely denounced Donald Trump following his caustic remarks aimed at immigrants Saturday, saying the former president “parroted Hitler.”

“Tonight Donald Trump channeled his role models as he parroted Adolf Hitler, praised Kim Jong Un, and quoted Vladimir Putin while running for president on a promise to rule as a dictator and threaten American democracy,” Biden-Harris 2024 spokesperson Ammar Moussa said in a statement.

Trump on Saturday ratcheted up his already inflammatory rhetoric on immigrants at a rally in New Hampshire. “They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” the former president said. “They’ve poisoned mental institutions and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America, not just the three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world they’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia.”

  • the post of tom joad
    -317 months ago

    I’m glad you’re against fascism dude but fierce tweets and finger wagging is for the powerless citizenry not the president. Fucking do something already.

    • @[email protected]
      157 months ago

      So like, “Biden should seize the powers of the presidency to take a more authoritarian stance against authoritarianism.” Is this really what you mean?

      finger wagging is for the powerless citizenry not the president

      Contrary to your premise, Biden has consistently promoted an anti-authoritarian view of how our representative democracy should work. He thinks people should vote against authoritarianism, instead of them calling on a POTUS who was elected to office because of his anti-authoritarian views to start taking authoritarian action against his authoritarian opponents.

      The citizenry is not powerless. The citizenry has the most fundamental power of all: power over who is elected to office.

      Just because that power can be corrupted and diminished through gerrymandering, electoral college imbalances, and two-party FPTP distortions (and a million other for-better-or-worse Constitutional safeguards against mob-rule) does not change the fact the citizenry still holds the most basic and fundamental power of all.

      Tweets and finger-wagging are fine too, if you like, but if you are against fascism, I’m glad too. I hope you vote, and I hope you vote strategically instead of out of anger.

      • the post of tom joad
        -97 months ago

        So like, “Biden should seize the powers of the presidency to take a more authoritarian stance against authoritarianism.” Is this really what you mean?

        No and i take issue with your tone, but you’re not the only one who’s tossed this strawman out in response for my asking for rule of law to be upheld. My power aside, i expect the president and administration to use all the legal power at their disposal to keep a threat to our democracy from office.

        Why don’t you make up for being so abrasive in your first response by being more civil in your next? We could even discuss this like adults

        • @[email protected]
          57 months ago

          It’s not really a strawman if you refuse to explain your argument. That would be called “a guess”.

          • the post of tom joad
            7 months ago

            Good. Quips are good for upvotes. Have one from me.

            Since you responded to me knowing full well i like giving out homework, yours is to “guess” why i don’t bother explaining myself to mooks who come at me clearly not planning on honest debate.

            Most people who end up responding would rather measure their wits against me though, because they feel attacked or some shit by my having an opinion that doesn’t agree with theirs

            Most people just like you homie. Is being clever working out for you?

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              The first response in this chain seemed genuinely interested in engaging with you, and the part you shot down for being a “strawman” (the very first paragraph) seemed more like an honest question than an attack on you. Despite numerous attempts, nobody was able to figure out what your first comment meant, and I cannot comprehend why anyone would be happy with such an outcome.

              Since you responded to me knowing full well i like giving out homework

              Hah, pass. I’m just as happy to ignore the rest of your comment as you are.

        • kase
          57 months ago

          What exactly can he legally do to keep trump out?

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      What a shit take. The DOJ is doing its thing. What exactly would you have Biden do that wouldn’t be rightly criticized as abusing his power to interfere with the next election?

      • the post of tom joad
        7 months ago

        Im tired of what passes for thought with both these responses. Especially since this waste of perfectly good letters is the same as the last.

        I mean fucks sake i hope some of the lurkers are thinking more critically than you two.

        Indeed, what should the government do about a criminal? Hmmm i wonder what they could do within the limits of the law? What has the govt done historically? Why don’t you have a look?

        You need ideas. Look up new ideas if you have to, for a later thread and another person (cuz this topic will return) and then you’ll be ready with something worth clicking that inbox for. Don’t let me down again

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          I notice you didn’t answer my question, and tried to give me a homework assignment instead. Very trollish.

          • the post of tom joad
            7 months ago

            I notice you didn’t answer my question

            No shit, and i even explained why. How shameless can you be that you’d ask it again?

            I should have blocked you before, i won’t make that mistake again.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      Presidents are elected by the people. For a president to remove their opponent by something other than fierce tweets and finger wagging would be fascism.