I mean the one you do when you want something easy to do, but not when you’re tired at the point you microwave a frozen-meal, or just cut down a piece of cheese and put it in a bread

    06 months ago

    I make a no knead pizza which is incredibly easy. It takes me about 15-20 minutes to prepare the dough in the morning. Just mix it in a bowl, cover it and let proof all day.

    About an hour before you plan to eat, flatten the dough onto a baking sheet and let proof again. Once you’re ready to eat, just put sauce and toppings of your choice, cook at the highest heat setting on your oven. Should be ready in about 10-15 min.

    Best pizza I’ve ever had. Doesn’t compare to the local pizza shops. A lot less greasy also.

        6 months ago

        I spend on average an hour cooking then another hour doing dishes/clean-up almost every night of the week. Taking 15-20 minutes twice in a day then only having to clean basically a pan and bowl is definitely too lazy to cook for me.