• @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Looks like those guys will shoot anyone. With such a gross power imbalance how can they be so scared of everything?


    IDF destroyed Israeli homes (with Israelis inside) when Hamas raided them on Oct 7, and now they are indiscriminantly bombing Gaza, including where the hostages might be. I don’t see the logic at all. It seems like they don’t care about Palestinian OR Israeli civilians.

    EDIT: I just stumbled upon this video, which shows Israeli police arresting a (black) Israeli soldier for trying to cross the street. It seems racist af. I really can’t figure out who they are protecting.

    • IWantToFuckSpez
      197 months ago

      It’s a military force full of conscripts it’s not a surprise they operate at an amateur level. These guys aren’t trained to rescue hostages they are only trained to shoot. There is a reason why most countries have gotten rid of conscription. Conscripted soldiers are nowhere near the level of a vetted and trained volunteer

    • @[email protected]
      177 months ago

      That’s what bothers me most: the incidence shows how Israeli military treats civilians in general but at least where I live, media doesn’t talk about the implications. The coverage is more critical than at the beginning of the war but they still refuse to call it a genocide.

      • @[email protected]
        167 months ago

        Hell, they even censured a Palestinian-American congresswoman for pointing out that obvious fact!