• ThrowawayM
    -59 months ago

    It’s not celebrating the confederacy, it already is celebrating how great our union is now (“Now” being when it was put up). Did you read the article?

    And the “pro-conservative/anti-left” angle is that it’s literally conserving a part of our history, the reunification, and the left are the ones trying to push for the destruction of monuments. Not really what I meant by pro-conservative, but it still counts.

    I did notice that the issue you had with the confederacy was that it was a rebellion, and not the slavery. You repeated rebellion/traitor over several sentences, you didn’t even mention slavery. Is rebellion worse than slavery, in your opinion?

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      Never actually said the word “rebellion,” as you suggest. Called you a traitor specifically. Only once, not repeatedly. Did you actually read the comment? I don’t need to bring up all the points of the civil war, I think we all know those by now. This is all about you being a traitor and a hypocrite. Stay on topic.

      • ThrowawayM
        -49 months ago

        Again, is rebellion worse than slavery, in your opinion?

        Stop deflecting.

        • @[email protected]
          49 months ago

          We’re talking about you and your refusal to say “I don’t support anything the confederacy stood for.”

          Do it.

          • ThrowawayM
            -49 months ago

            Look, the reason I think you’re being disingenuous is I explicitly stated “Do not pretend the confederacy was good.” To me, that’s a clear indication that I don’t support the confederacy. So to just be absolutely clear, I do not support slavery, slavery is evil, and I think what you’re asking is a trap somehow, even if I can’t spot exactly how it’s a trap.

            And that goes doubly so that you’re still deflecting. Is rebellion worse than slavery?

              • ThrowawayM
                -39 months ago

                Whats the trap?

                I feel like that specific wording is key to the trap. Maybe I’m just paranoid.

                But fuck it, I’ll walk into the trap and take the bait.

                I don’t support anything the confederacy stood for.

                Your turn. Is rebellion worse than slavery?

                • @[email protected]
                  49 months ago

                  Only in the case where the rebellion is fighting for slavery and not against it.

                  There is no trap.

                  So take the post down, because if you don’t you’re saying it’s pro-conservative (by your own rules) and that conservatives support the confederacy.

                  This type of thing shouldn’t even be talked about. The statue represents a fight for evil.

                  • NeuromancerM
                    -29 months ago

                    The statue represents a fight for evil.

                    You correct. It represents the Democrats and their attempt to keep slavery. It’s exactly why it should be kept to remind people that the Democrats fought for slavery and continue to divide people by race even now.

                  • ThrowawayM
                    -49 months ago

                    Except it doesn’t. It represents the exact opposite, that the fight against evil was won.

                    So no, I’m not taking it down.