• ubergeek77
    1 year ago

    I know there is a bit of drama surrounding lemmy right now, but in my opinion, kbin isn’t really mature enough to self host. They don’t have a good Docker environment, and while their docs have some Docker instructions, the process is fairly manual. If you’re a beginner to self hosting and need help, kbin is not for you. And by their own admission::

    This is a very early beta version, and a lot of features are currently broken or in active development

    Conversely, hosting Lemmy is pretty much effortless if you understand the basics of Docker. And their docs are pretty good too. Their Caddy stuff is incorrect, and they could definitely use some help in automating the process, but it’s much easier to get into than kbin.

    • Korgen
      1 year ago

      Lemmy is FOSS so I don’t really think the political views of the developers have much impact.

    • @epyon22
      81 year ago

      Anything I can read about the Lemmy drama?

      • ubergeek77
        71 year ago

        Honestly, I’m not sure. I keep seeing people talk about “political views of the lead dev,” and I see this a LOT, but no one has stepped up to actually explain what they’re talking about. If you find it, I’d appreciate a link or something. I’m sure it’s there, I’m just too lazy to go digging.

        • @[email protected]
          61 year ago

          I’ve only seen it mentioned a few places, but I saw people complaining about Lemmy in general being too leftist / communist. I don’t know if that’s true, and I don’t think it matters either way, but that’s the “drama” that I’ve seen.

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            Seems to be people upset about non-mainstream takes on the Russia/Ukraine war and China Uyghur stuff from what I’ve seen.

            I’m sure they were equally concerned and principled when it came to the political views of the Reddit admins.

            • @flambonkscious
              21 year ago

              I’m sure they were equally concerned and principled when it came to the political views of the Reddit admins

              Thank you - I didn’t see that coming and it’s downright hilarious!

            • @[email protected]
              01 year ago

              Hey person!

              To be honest I really hated how if I criticized something about America I would sometimes have tons of people chiming in how everyone hates on America or how if you expressed any kind of view regarding how the ultra capitalistic (maybe not even that but monopolies protected by lobbying?) stuff has fucked people over you would be called a dirty commie or how if you expressed how fucked up is that USA supported coups for fucking bananas you get called out for not supporting freedom, and the list goes on.

              Unfortunately it seems like at least on lemmy.ml or lemmygrad it seems like the positions have shifted to the other extreme where you’re an orientalist (I’m from the Orient lol) if you criticize China or how bad things that China/Russia do are just western propoganda (I consume plenty of non-western media too).

              Honestly it just sucks that people want to pick a side and basically defend it to death without really caring about connecting with actual people. Like really talk to someone, try to see what struggles and problems they’re facing and try to communicate what are your concerns.

              At least beehaw seems to be better than most communities I have been a part of.

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                Western media famously laid the groundwork for the Iraq war based on obviously false propaganda, so I suspect that the same frustration you feel about people denying the documented and obvious flaws with America is felt by people who try to explain that western media exaggerates a lot of things about foreign states. Especially ones the government is currently hostile towards.

                I won’t say this is justification for blind defense of the targets of our medias current hate campaigns but maybe this will help you find a way to relate to them and share less sensationalized information that you have access to by virtue of crossing language and cultural barriers.

        • @epyon22
          31 year ago

          Thanks. There was some good discussion there and highlights why a public modlog is very important to evaluate the health of any Lemmy instance.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Happy to help :) I feel like these kind of discussions are important for a platform. One of the times when I appreciate the fact that downvoting is not possible in beehaw.

    • NinaOP
      11 year ago

      I’ve been wavering back and forth for a little bit. I just know the kbin plays nicer with lemmy than lemmy plays nice with kbin when it comes to discovering remote communities. Being a remote community, I wanted to make sure it’s easier to be off site, but I did just find an easier install with lemmy (I will try this) so we’ll see how that goes