Lemmy.world grew from about 51k users when third-party reddit apps started to shut down to about 84.8k users at the time of this post.

Definitely felt some growing pains in the past few days, but it’s great to see the platform more active now that things have become more stable.

So, welcome reddit expats!

  • @CyberBoy
    10 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • @[email protected]
      -31 year ago

      I feel bad for the lemmy.world admins that have to keep up with the software needed and costs accrued to handle the world knocking on their doorstep. I hope advertisers hit them up soon so their bills become easier to pay. While advertising was annoying on reddit, I’m more than willing to put up with it on this instance of lemmy, the admins have earned it.

        • Dr. Santa
          01 year ago

          Unfortunately, the reality is that it may become necessary.

          Donations can be a saving grace if enough people donate regularly. But such is dependent on people’s willingness, their own financial stability, and how stressed servers are (how much it’ll cost to upgrade and/or maintain infrastructure.)

          It’s great if it’s viable. Means there’s less outside influence. But that’s if.

          As far as I’m aware, Wikipedia has been able to maintain it purely off donations. But I’m not sure if Lemmy could.

          Maybe? One thing Lemmy does have going for it is that the majority of users seem to be aware how… Fragile? the fediverses can be. There’s arguably more passion behind the users and maybe willing to throw support out.

          But hard to say.

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            Most importantly: Lemmy instances are not being run for profit. There is no need to make exorbitant amounts of money to pay shareholders. Right now it’s enough to cover hosting costs, in the future you probably want to be able to pay a couple of people as well.

            Commercial instances are not off the table, but I hope we can avoid it. If it happens, I hope it will not be about profiting directly from the users, but instead through e.g. professional services. Imagine a company that hosts instances for entities that are willing to pay (I see this especially in the microblogging/Mastodon space, where for instance governments want to run their own instance).

            • Dr. Santa
              01 year ago

              Or maybe nonprofit organizations. Though I’m having a harder time imagining why they’d need a social network site, especially if it’s federated with our shit posting “sublemmies” or whatever we’re calling them here.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                NLnet already sponsors the development of Lemmy. They donate money when certain roadmap items are achieved (which has slowed down due to the efforts to make Lemmy scale). NLnet sponsors organizations and people that contribute to an open information society.

                Places like Lemmy are not just shit posting. Just look at the immense value of the content at reddit. Google became so useless when the blackout happened. LLMs like GPT4 are trained for a large part on this human generated content. It’s absolutely vital that this information is not controlled by a handful large corporations as it is now. Federated social media could break this pattern and bring back a free and open internet.

      • @[email protected]
        101 year ago

        I hope advertisers

        I think this is an unpopular stance here. I’m not certain how else admins keep things running, but my limited time on Lemmy suggests people are hostile to ad-influence on how things run.

        • Coelacanth
          121 year ago

          Ruud also runs Mastodon.world which has 160k+ users and manages to survive on donations alone. Not sure where the cutoff point is for when that is no longer viable, if there is one. Mastodon.social is huge and takes sponsorships and also gets some grant money I believe. They don’t run ads per se though and claim all sponsors accept contracts stating Mastodon is not going to be run in a way that is influenced by sponsors.

        • @[email protected]
          61 year ago

          Just stop accepting new people

          There’s no reason to not push them towards other instances

          • Cosmic Cleric
            1 year ago

            I hate to be the one to say this, but yeah, there’s a big reason why they shouldn’t be pushed to another server, at least not right now at this switchover from Reddit point in time.

            Most normal everyday people don’t even know what federation is, and tend to not like it when they find out, as it causes extra work on their part.

            They just want a central location where everyone is socializing together, and don’t care at all about the fediverse, except as maybe an escape hatch if some c-suite type goes evil.

            There’s already a hurdle people jump over on change in general, so we should minimize the effort of that change and coming over to Lemmy from Reddit.

            Edit: typos

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              I created an instance on programming.dev and have had almost no issues seeing other posts.

              You don’t need to understand how it all works to use it

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            I’m beginning to feel this way too. We need to distribute the load, especially at this early stage.

            What is also missing from the big picture is a dedicated “About” link in the navbar of Lemmy instances, providing users with a statement of detailed information on the people/organizations behind a given instance, its location in the world, its hardware, etc. A byline in the front page sidebar isn’t enough.

        • Deanne
          1 year ago

          with this pace of growth i wouldn’t blame them if they got advertisements. and i believe that most people here use adblock anyway