A Ukrainian soldier named Serhiy, returning from Russian captivity, has reportedly been found mutilated with swastikas carved into his forehead, as disclosed by Dr. Olexandr Turkevich, who is treating him.

The soldier, blindfolded during the ordeal, claimed Russian soldiers threatened to dismember him, citing accusations of fascism.

  • Justas🇱🇹
    26 months ago

    Lithuania was not democratic in the 80’s and then it became democratic in 1990. All it took was a barehanded unarmed standoff against the Soviet tanks for a night. In a miracle, it only cost 14 lives.

    The real problem is not the revolution, it is what comes afterwards. Most Russians do not understand democracy, they don’t understand how western countries function. They don’t have strong institutions or media organisations either. They will have to build those and do what they failed at it back in the 90’s.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      It didnt took only took that, If it did there would be no more dictatorships, A big part of the administration turned against the state