• @Corkyskog
    19 months ago

    I mean the alternative is the economy collapses… people really need to understand systemic risk.

    However I do think they could and should bail out and nationalize. Let their profits reduce my tax burden.

    • @[email protected]
      59 months ago

      How about this: bail out the banks in exchange for shares, and jail the billionaires who gambled with everyone’s money?

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Overhaul the entire financial industry enforcing the laws we already have and use our past laws as a blueprint to create new laws that will prevent this fraud and robbery from ever happening again.

        Lengthy prison sentence’s is a good start, their assets should be seized to pay back the taxpayer as well as a 70% tax rate on any company worth a billion dollars +. Any insolvent companies should be taken over by the government and owned by the public.

        Since our entire government is owned by special interests I don’t see anything but a bailout happening though.