Artist: shimure 460 | danbooru

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  • @Timecircleline
    146 months ago

    I’m glad I’m not the only one it seems a little disappointed in this costume design. I mean there are plenty of female characters in media who have costumes like this- Samus is explicitly not one.

    • MentalEdgeM
      6 months ago

      If the only fanart that is allowed to exist is that which strictly adheres to the principles of the original… Then we wouldn’t have fanart.

      And while it’s nice that you had your subjective opinion validated by others… was it really necessary to pile on even more “I don’t like it” by joining in?

      • @Timecircleline
        56 months ago

        I’m sorry to yuck your yum. Reading back my comment its harsher in hindsight then I would have liked.

        Growing up Samus was one of the female characters I could most relate to because she didn’t have to have her body on display. Not that it’s wrong to show skin, it just wasn’t my preference and it seemed that it was so rare that female characters were allowed to exist without being sexualized. It’s not bad art, just (to me) it doesn’t seem like Samus because it’s removing one of her standout characteristics.

        • MentalEdgeM
          6 months ago

          I am perfectly aware that not all things appeal to all people, but this comment section turned into r/badwomensanatomy, and not the considerate and constructive end of it. This isn’t what the moe communities are for.

          I am viscerally disgusted that the only ban-worthy comment in its vitriol, was at the top of this comment section. I don’t know how much more self-hatred it’d be provoking if I had actually drawn this.

          I cheer every time a female character wears actual armor. In a metroid narrative context I would never get behind this design.

          But this is fanart, Samus could be wearing nothing at all, and the art still wouldn’t deserve what this comment section is giving it.