Maybe I shouldn’t be as pissed as I am but, for me, I like using my Apple card for autopay because I get 3% back with T-Mobile charges. What I like to do is use my CCs to max my rewards / cash back and then pay off my card each month.

Maybe I’m overreacting, but I’m not happy about this. Of course I don’t want to pay an additional $40 a month on my phone bill so yes, I’m switching autopay to a Privacy card, but F—, man.

Okay, I’m done lol

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    It’s because the CC companies charge out the ass to be a payment processor towards T-Mobile (and all other companies). I’m reasonably certain we’ll see many companies outright refusing to accept credit cards within 10 years.

    • elgordio
      81 year ago

      This is something the EU got right by limiting interchange fees to 0.5% rather than the 3%+ in the US. It stopped companies charging consumers extra for credit transactions and also stopped weird outcomes where airlines and hotel companies became more interested in their branded credit cards than in providing an actual service.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Yes, but did it also lower prices? If it doesn’t, I’d rather trust in my ability to maximize the cash back from that 1-3%.

        If prices just went down by an equivalent amount, sure.

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 year ago

      Exactly. That’s why I was saying maybe I’m overreacting because I kind of get it… But still.