So for clarification: I’m 18 yo, Have a stable career of almost 2 years, in a family who doesn’t appreciate the work I do (family of 4 and a single mother), no friends for 3 years (was bullied though school and unable to befriend people at work). I struggle mentally more days than not, have has suicidal thoughts in the past however they are rare, don’t eat properly and struggle to find the motivation/ inspiration to improve.

I know I have a Pornography and Masturbation addiction, Sugar addiction and an improper sleep schedule (don’t fall asleep till gone midnight then don’t wake up for 10 - 12 hours).

I want your advice on things to do, literally the basics. I’ve tried to improve before however my system came crashing down on me very quickly. I am genuinely looking for help. The past 5 years or so have been hell on earth for me and I want to change it for 2024, it’s a battle only I can fight and I feel like I’m taking on the world.

Is there any YouTube videos, books, articles, etc that you would suggest to get me started on this journey. I’m writing this out of desperation and loneliness as I have no one to turn to.