I know this is going to sound like some clickbait bullshit title, but I’m genuinely curious, asking in good faith. My two oldest sons are enamored with him, and he seems like a genuine guy, so I’m asking - is he a nice guy? If you google the question, you get a bunch of reddit hate, which I don’t always trust, because…it’s reddit. I have not watched much content (not my thing, I’m old) but I’m just curious what the fediverse has to say.

  • @Ookami38
    141 year ago

    I completely disagree. Mr beast genuinely does good. To say that you have to be completely selfless, and can’t want anything in return from helping people is a good way to keep people from helping. Philosophy tube has a great video about just this. She’ll be able to elaborate far better than I can.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      I somehow agree with both of you. It’s okay to do good things to feel good, but it’s also not good to glamorize chasing clout.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      I somehow agree with both of you. It’s okay to do good things to feel good, but it’s also not good to glamorize chasing clout.

      • Xylight (photon dev)
        31 year ago

        Holy crap, two people with different opinions having a civilized discussion?!?!?!!

        it’s nice to see more of these on Lemmy.

      • @Ookami38
        11 year ago

        I’d rather have a generation of clout chasers giving their money away for fame, than a generation of hoarding billionaires. I know it’s not a dichotomy, but it still serves to illustrate the point.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Yeah but his general point about kids thinking nothing is worthwhile unless it is recorded goes far beyond philanthropy. Many times they’re thinking so much about how something will be filmed that they are never actually present for that something. Or they do only things that will film well because that’s how they register value. You can say that Mr Beast does well AND it’s not good for kids to watch those videos, and both can be true.

      • @Ookami38
        21 year ago

        Yeah, I’m pretty sure I stated at some point that this isn’t a dichotomy, and there are legitimate concerns with the system he’s playing into, but I think that those concerns exist without Mr beast. He may be feeding into a bad system, but at least the how of it is helping a significant number of people. Often, that’s the best an individual can do.